We keep working together!

We keep working together!

You already have your website finished, but that’s just the beginning! It is very important that your site is well maintained, secure and has a good diffusion, both for social networks and newsletters, and at Cactus we can take care of everything!

Good maintenance
is the key to success
Having a website and not taking care of it means that at any moment it can become obsolete, outdated and a target for attacks.

It is important to update templates, plugins and software to ensure a secure web environment and proper compatibility with browser updates.
At Cactus we make it easy for you! We have maintenance plans adapted to your needs, with different modalities and possibilities. Even if we haven't made your website!

And as we know that not all websites are the same, we also offer customized plans. Contact us and tell us about your situation.
I com que ja sabem que no totes les webs són iguals, també oferim plans personalitzats fets a mida. Contacta amb nosaltres i explica'ns la teva situació.
Basic maintenance
Template update
It is important to update the templates to ensure their correct compatibility with browser updates as well as to provide greater security to our web environment.
Plugins update
It is required to constantly update the plugins used for web development in order to avoid errors, unwanted behavior and security problems.
Wordpress (core) update
Wordpress updates ensure proper compatibility with browsers, optimize its speed, add new features that may be interesting and above all solve security problems.
Monthly security backups
Performing a monthly backup, the last 3 copies will be stored in order to be able to recover the content of the web if there is a problem with the server, attack or loss of information.
Error control
Plugin updates can alter the design of the website, this means making small adaptations or corrections. If new texts have been added, we can take a look at them as well.
Pro maintenance
Template update
It is important to update the templates to ensure their correct compatibility with browser updates as well as to provide greater security to our web environment.
Plugins update
It is required to constantly update the plugins used for web development in order to avoid errors, unwanted behavior and security problems.
Wordpress (core) update
Wordpress updates ensure proper compatibility with browsers, optimize its speed, add new features that may be interesting and above all solve security problems.
Monthly security backups
Performing a monthly backup, the last 3 copies will be stored in order to be able to recover the content of the web if there is a problem with the server, attack or loss of information.
Error control
Plugin updates can alter the design of the website, this means making small adaptations or corrections. If new texts have been added, we can take a look at them as well.
Quarterly Safety Control
We check that the security of the web is correct, we analyze if there have been attacks or not and the possible repercussions, providing solutions for future cases. We review and apply the blocking of bots, IPs and users if considered necessary.
Performance improvement (web speed)
We ensure that the web is displayed at the correct speed according to Google standards (which vary from time to time). We apply changes such as slagging, deferred delivery, simplification of mobile content, etc.
Control and revision of the form system
Exhaustive control of the contact forms, avoiding SPAM by applying different filters, making sure that no information is lost and offering a report indicating the associated activity.
Hosting update and maintenance
We apply the necessary adjustments to the hosting to ensure a correct functioning of the web, keeping the PHP and MySQL versions updated and making sure that the performance is adequate.
SEO on page and Analytics
We ensure that all content is SEO Friendly by using tools such as Yoast SEO, Ubersuggest or Plagium. Elaborem una anàlisi de l'evolutiu del trànsit i cerca orgànica a la web. Es presentarà un informe trimestral indicant els valors més significatius de les eines de mesura.
We ensure that your website complies with all current regulations at the national and European level, applying the best that apply at the time of change of regulations or application of new standards.
We keep your brand
present in social networks
In the past, websites were in charge of redirecting traffic to your social networks, forums or blogs, but now it's completely the other way around. All brands have to be constantly active to achieve their goals.
A Cactus t'ho posem fàcil, ens podem encarregar de portar les teves xarxes socials, creant un pla de continguts que t'ajudi a assolir una xarxa social d'autèntic interès al voltant de la teva marca.
We can keep in touch with your followers and help you to expand your brand in the online world by creating interesting email marketing campaigns (newsletters).
I sobretot ens assegurem que la teva web no quedi abandonada generant continguts pel teu blog, creant noves pàgines i redactant textos que estiguin orientats a nivell SEO perquè els buscadors la indexin i augmenti la teva visibilitat.
Social Network
Social Media Plan
In this section, we will define the different types of content, create a monthly plan and generate the graphic line associated with the creatives that we will serve.
Monthly posts publication
We will publish 4 monthly posts on your social networks, adapting the creativity and language according to the social network*.
Social networks analysis
Report of visits, interactions, comments and/or followers in order to optimize the performance of the actions.
Creating a Mailchimp account
If you don't have one, create a Mailchimp account to manage your newsletters.
Template creation
We generate a series of templates for your brand, adapting to your branding and the different types of content to be published.
1 monthly newsletter
We do a monthly e-mail marketing campaign with the contents you propose. We will advise you and give you ideas based on your brand.
Audience Management
We incorporate your audience, manage it and segment it. We analyze its evolution and propose ways to grow your community.
Subscription form
We incorporate a subscription form integrated with Mailchimp or redesign the existing one to achieve better recruitment results.
SEO & contents
Keyword research
We carry out a keyword research of your sector, analyzing the competition and similar websites. We generate a list of keywords that we include in the generation of content.
2 monthly blog posts
We make 2 monthly posts to your blog, from 300 to 500 sentences, with posts associated to your brand 100% original.
SEO on page
We ensure that all content is SEO Friendly by using tools such as Yoast SEO, Ubersuggest or Plagium.
We make an analysis of the evolution of traffic and organic fence on your website. A quarterly report will be presented indicating the most significant values of the measurement tools.
Customers who enjoy
of these services
Do you have any ideas?
Let's talk about it! 😉

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* Price per social network. If you want to publish on several social networks the price may increase. For more information please contact us.

CACTUS SENY GRÀFIC® reserves the right to make changes in the prices of packs, concepts or any value that enters into the consideration of CACTUS SENY GRÀFIC® without prior notice. The present economic proposal DOES NOT INCLUDE the Value Added Tax (VAT). These packs do not include any additional work that may result from changes in orientation on the part of the client. If this is the case, a customized budget will be made for the client.

These packs do not include the acquisition of materials, software, graphic resources, plugins, themes or other tools necessary for the development of the activities described in these packs. CACTUS SENY GRAPHIC® will make available to the CLIENT all the tools, materials, software, graphic resources, plugins or templates that it already has in its possession to avoid increasing the cost of the activities described in this budget as much as possible.