Responsible design

Design can also be used for a good cause; it allows us to communicate ethical values and also to apply them consistently. At Cactus, we believe that companies, by using responsible design, can bring great added value to society as a whole.

Design with
common sense
We are developing a broad policy of corporate social responsibility (CSR), focusing on aspects such as work-life balance, solidarity and environmental awareness. For us, these values are our statutes.
We have been collaborating with the League for the Protection of Animals of Sabadell for more than 10 years and, among other things, we publish a biannual magazine in which we explain the activities and initiatives carried out by the League.
We work with local suppliers to contribute to the economic development of our environment, avoiding international production. This allows us to maintain a close and trusting relationship.
Third sector
Whenever the project allows, we work with companies from the third social sector or with people threatened by social exclusion. Because we believe that everyone should have a new chance.
Graphic image in the service of
of ethics and solidarity
We bring a more efficient approach to projects and offer more economically and ecologically advantageous means and methods. For example, we use FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) paper in our printing projects.
For a Good Cause is a book produced by Cactus in collaboration with Index Book, where a compilation of solidarity designs is made. An initiative promoted by Cactus to show that everyone deserves a good design, whether you are a large company or a small NGO.
We are members of the responsible consumption card Sabadell because our services have the least negative impact on the environment and the most benefits for people.
Throughout our professional career and with the social feeling that characterizes us, we have ended up collaborating with many third sector organizations.